Cover crops have countless proven benefits, including reducing erosion, improving soil organics and recapturing nutrients, improving downstream water quality and the holding capacity of your soil, and more. Different crops have different benefits, so we can help you find the right covers for your acres. We’ll look at such factors as the crop you’re planting next season, herbicide carryover risks, the need for a winter kill crop, and so on. We’re aware of the varying requirements for each Illinois county, and will recommend a cover crop accordingly. Our full line of cover crops includes cereal rye, ryegrass, oats, crimson clover, radish, and turnips.
We offer a waterway mix of premium grasses that can reseed your waterways while being used for hay and grazing. And for hunters, ask us about our food plot options, including grains, clovers, brassicas, and peas. We’re also proud to offer the Corteva Carbon Initiative, which can help growers use cover crops to increase their per-acre returns.
Learn more about Mid-West Grass and Forage then reach out to the team at Sturms Seed Services to get started.